Author name: Boyd, K. Lucius
Book Title: Grasshopper Dreams

Description:  Grasshopper Dreams is a collection of poetry inspired by quirky family life and the eccentric deep south. Published in 2023, it uses images that break the surface of our intimate worlds.
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Author: Buis, Lela E.
Book Title: Entwined: The Marriage of Dream and Vision

Description:Some of these poems are bits of moonlight and magic, written just for enjoyment of the written word. Others come from a more serious place, an investigation of ideas clothed in plot and characterization. The styles vary, but the poems are chosen because they somehow matched up as dark fantasies, an expression of mood or a cynical thought or a mysterious magic barely glimpsed that caused the author to reach for a pen and paper. Join the mood. Includes strong language.
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Author name: Chua, Jess
Book Title: let it rip

Description:  let it rip showcases the implosion of relationships that aren’t meant to be. It’s also an ode to the freedom we gain from truths we learn through heartbreak. 
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Author name: Childress, Gary
Book Title: The Light, the Heavy, and the Dark: The Collected Poetry of Gary Robert Childress

Description: A collection of poems written between 2015 and 2022 that reflect the culmination of enduring and overcoming thirty years of periodic but recurring episodes of paranoid psychosis and chronic depression.
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Author name: Craven, Jackie
Book Title: The Light, the Heavy, and the Dark: The Collected Poetry of Gary Robert Childress

Description: What if Half Past Yesterday returns? Jackie Craven reimagines time in a mind-bending new collection. Winner of the Press 53 Award for Poetry. “WHISH is a triumph of a book!” —Denise Duhamel

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Author name: Dehdashti, Parto
Book Title: Seeking and Surrendering – Poetry on Soul, Self and a Puzzling Life

Description: This poetry book represents the author’s spiritual journey, expressing reflections on life, societal beliefs and values, and a search for answers in untangling the concept of self from spirituality. Buy it on Amazon.

Author name:Cavanaugh, Joseph
Book Title: The Poet and the Wondersmith 

Description: Joseph Cavanaugh FSPA Member Joesph Cavanaugh annouces the publication his new children’s book. Now available on It is just in time to be a great gift for your grandchildren or any young person for any occasion. 
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Author: Diamond, Linda Eve
Book Title: The Art of Listening

Description:The Art of Listening is a free digital anthology of listening-themed poetry, visual arts, and insights, with more than 60 inspiring contributors. The collection is available in both epub and pdf formats. Find the book page at

Author: Diamond, Linda Eve
Book Title: The Beauty of Listening

Description: The Beauty of Listening explores the ever-challenging art and skill of listening. Themes include awareness, meaningful connections, humor, folly, and the gentle reminder that listening is not as simple as it seems. While each poem tells its own story, the collection also tells a larger listening story. From thoughts on where listening begins to the evolution of words and communication styles, the story leads into the deep need for listening time, both inner and interpersonal. The final section, Last Words, includes an uplifting poem for paper dolls, the thoroughly unhindered perspective of a ghost, and a vision of the last printed page
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Author: Ehrlich, Anthony                                                                            Book Title: Endangered Species

Description: 33 poems. Some self-deprecating with humor, some poignant about his late wife, poems reflecting the threat of nuclear war and the war in Ukraine. This collection embodies the author’s truth, garnered from a good life of many ups and downs.

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Author: Favreau, Ann
Book Title: The Dementia Spiral

Description: The Dementia Spiral is a collection of 24 poems that poignantly describe the condition, how it affects my loved one and me, the caregiver.  My hope is that the reader will gain information, inspiration and hope as I seek joy in the journey.
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: Foster, John F.
Book Title: A Gesture of Words – Poetry Forms and Formulas

Description: The purpose of A Gesture of Words, Poetry Forms and Formulas is to acquaint the reader with a wide variety of poetic forms. The author’s hope is that in doing so the reader will want to experiment with these different forms and create something that fulfills its own unique identity—that sheds to some degree the conventional garb of modern verse. By no means is this an exhaustive study. The 33 examples explained and illustrated in this collection are but a fraction of the many kinds of fixed verse found among the cultures of our world. This book has the endorsement of Peter Meinke, Florida’s Poet Laureate.
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Author: J.B. Frost (Pseudonym)
Book Title:  From the Mind & Imagination of J.B. Frost. A Poet’s Entrance

Description: My 1st book of Poetry: 109 Poems on 185 Pages; Poems about life, love, loss, heartaches, and blessings. I’ve written about life: we all have our ups and downs; we all have our good and bad moments.
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Author: Jennings, Jill
Book title: Pineapple Wine: Poems of Maui

Description: A full-length poetic chronicle of the author’s years on Maui. To order your copy of Pineapple Wine: Poems of Maui, ($ 12.99), please contact Farris Yawn at Yawns Publishing,; call 1-678-880-1922 or write them at 2555 Marietta Hwy, Suite #103, Canton, GA 30114.

Author:  Johnson, Carlton
Book title: a thimble of time

Description: In this debut collection of verse, Florida poet, Carlton Johnson, who is living with the challenges of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, invites the reader to share his journey in five chapters—from growing up in Baltimore, to living inFlorida, to pondering the ending of everything. These poems are sometimes humorous, sometimes lucid, always provoking and inspiring. It is a collection accessible to all who love poetry and those who just want to get reacquainted. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be going to the PSP Foundation and Parkinson’s Voice Project. Buy it on Amazon

Author: Krum, Judith
Book Title: 
My MS Journey: Recalculating

Description: My MS Journey: Recalculating is a memoir that follows the many twists and turns of living with Multiple Sclerosis, as well as many other challenges the author has faced. The reader will come to understand what it takes to be a disability rights advocate as well as a person who adapts to living a vulnerable life as a person with a disability. 
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Author: Krum, Judith
Book Title: Color the Sky with Morning: Poems inspired by the Psalms

Description:   In Judith Krum’s fifth book, readers explore her poems that are inspired by attendant selected verses of the Psalms to discover rich understandings of the various struggles and relationships presented. The Psalms invite us to examine our visions of Joy, Trust, Refuge, Mortality, and Worship. The rich language and themes of the Psalms serve as a basis for the immense struggle to reconcile time, eternity, and Word. The book’s introduction reflects on the impact of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer and the Psalter that have influenced 400 years of the canon of English literature. Buy it on Amazon

Author name: Ledakis, Jo Christiane
Book Title: Wild Sea-Salt of Life: InNerviews with Soul — A Woman’s Journey to Empowerment

Description: WILD SEA-SALT OF LIFE INNERVIEWS WITH SOUL is the intimate account of a woman’s journey to self-empowerment and creativity. It reveals how she connected to her essence and transformed her life. It invites to an adventure of experiential connoisseurship ideally suited to the ‘experience economy’ where people seek to acquire knowledge offering excitement, purpose and meaning.

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