Florida State Poets Association Inc. (FSPA) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt (501-C-3) organization founded in October of 1974, and chartered by the State of Florida in July, 1979. FSPA was founded by Henrietta A. Kroah of Deland, Florida, with the assistance of Hans Juergensen, past president of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS). FSPA is a member of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) that maintains local chapters throughout the state.
To contact FSPA, email the incoming President, Mark Terry via email:
markajterry AT gmail.com
Mary Marcelle
Vice President:
Mark Andrew James Terry
Sonja Jean Craig
Robyn Weinbaum
Christa Fairbrother
Anthology Editors: Gary Broughman (Email Gary)
Elaine Person (Email Elaine), JC Kato (Email JC)
Contest Chair: Marc Davidson (Email Marc)
Of Poets & Poetry Editor: Mark Andrew James Terry (Email Mark)
Historian: Elaine Person (Email Elaine)
National Poetry Day/ Month Chair: TBD
Youth & Student Contest Chair: Nikki Fragala Barnes (Email Nikki)
Membership Chair: Ruth Van Alstine (Email Ruth)
Slam Coordinator: Kevin Campbell (Email Kevin)
Webmaster: Mark Andrew James Terry (Email Mark)
Nominating Committee Chair: Alice Friedman (Email Alice)
and Carlton Johnson (Email Carl)